On this day
Âishop Germanos of Patras, declared the start of the Revolution in St. George's Square in Patras and administered an oath tohe leaders Andreas Zaimes, Andreas Lontos and Benizelosouphos together with their approximately one thousand men.he revolutionaries cried out "Liberty of Death" while the fort ofhe city was being struck by Turkish artillery. There was thenormed a Revolutionary or Achaean Directorate, which was putnder the honorary leadership of Bishop Germanos.
Anagnostes Kontakes, elder of the city of Tripolis, andTheodoretos, bishop of Vresthene, established in Vervaina of Arcaia the first Greek military camp in the Peloponnese. The purposeas to protect neighboring areas from likely attacking operationsy the Turks.
Kiitahi, leading a powerful force, attempted to seize the Kleiso-va islet opposite Mesolongi, that was defended by one hundred thirty fighters under the command of Panagiotes Soteropoulos. The Greek garrison was assisted by Kitsos Tzavellas and eight more fighters. The Turks were forced into a disorderly retreat after a hard-fought battle in which they sustained losses of 1,200 dead. The defending garrison lost fifty killed and thirteen wounded.
Nikolaos Philaretos, warlord during the 1821 revolution andgendarmerie officer who hailed from Promyri, declared a revoluion against the Turks in his native region of Pelion.
The revival of the Olympic Games. The firstcontemporary Olympic Games took place at the Panathenaic staium in Athens in 1896. The idea of an Olympic revival was coneived by Demetrios Vikelas and promoted by the French Baronierre de Coubertin. The result of de Coubertin's lobbying led to aecision to revive the Olympics taken by the International Athletc Council in Paris in 1894. The objectives of the council were toevive the spirit of the ancient Olympic games, to develop the clasical ideal in modern athletics and to promote closer contactsetween different peoples.
The force led by First Lieutenant Georgios Tsontos (nom-de-guerre Vardas) attacked the village of Zagoritsane (mod. Vasileias)n western Macedonia, inhabited mainly by partisans of the Exarhate. The attack resulted in major losses in terms of manpowernd materiel. Tsontos's unit also repulsed regular Turkish forceshat had arrived there to restore order.
The unveiling ceremony of the Monument of the Unknown Soldier took place in Athens, at the Old Palace Square. The architecural composition was designed by Emmanouel Lazarides, whilehe relief was created by Konstantinos Demetriades and Phokionoques.