S/NDateFormationsA/CArmedIndiv. A/CIndiv. A/C CN-235Indiv. HELOTotal A/CInfringements of Air Trafic Regulations (ICAO)Violations of National Air SpaceEngagements With HAF Interception FigthersOverflights of National TerritoryArea
2130/09/2018----2688---Southeastern Aegean Sea
2028/09/2018----4-4433--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1927/09/201824----432--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1826/09/201824--2-644--Southeastern Aegean Sea
1725/09/2018242---422--Northeastern and Central Aegean Sea
1624/09/2018362-3-9731-Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1521/09/2018362---6441-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1420/09/20185122-3-15910--Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1319/09/2018242-241010341-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1218/09/2018142-2174471-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1117/09/201836--221074--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1014/09/2018242-1-5317--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
913/09/20183621241312431-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
812/9/201812--22651--Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
711/9/2018382--1945--Northeastern and Central Aegean Sea
610/9/201824--32975--Southeastern Aegean Sea
58/9/2018----1-11---Southeastern Aegean Sea
47/9/201812--2-4337--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
36/9/2018384221136121-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
25/9/2018242---438--Northeastern and Central Aegean Sea
14/9/20185122-2-14711-Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea


  • Violating aircraft(s) are identified and intercepted, according to the relevant international rules and procedures.
  • Each time violations and infringements are committed, the relevant detailed reports are officially forwarded to the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


  • ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization
  • HAF = Hellenic Air Force
  • A/C = Aircraft
  • HELO = Helicopter