S/NDateFormationsA/CArmedIndiv. A/CIndiv. A/C CN-235Indiv. HELOTotal A/CInfringements of Air Trafic Regulations (ICAO)Violations of National Air SpaceEngagements With HAF Interception FigthersOverflights of National TerritoryArea
2431/05/2018----2-2235--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
2330/05/201824--1-552--Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
2229/05/2018362-1-752--Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
2125/05/201812--1143---Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
2024/05/2018362--14201840--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1923/05/2018482-191819281-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1822/05/201812--210141770--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1721/05/2018----12335--Northeastern and Central Aegean Sea
1620/05/2018----1-1111--Northeastern Aegean Sea
1518/05/2018382---8321-Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1417/05/2018484-1152424152-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1316/05/2018242-47151716--Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1215/05/2018122-715242325--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1114/05/2018262-4112116201-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1013/05/2018-----111--- Southeastern Aegean Sea
911/5/2018486-2102013201-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
810/5/201836--1-752--Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
79/5/2018282-2-104311-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
68/5/2018362-2-8571-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
57/5/20184102---10411-Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
44/5/2018122-3-55191-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
33/5/201824---2653--Southeastern Aegean Sea
22/5/201824---1537--Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
11/5/2018-----111---Central Αιγαί


  • Violating aircraft(s) are identified and intercepted, according to the relevant international rules and procedures.
  • Each time violations and infringements are committed, the relevant detailed reports are officially forwarded to the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


  • ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization
  • HAF = Hellenic Air Force
  • A/C = Aircraft
  • HELO = Helicopter