S/NDateFormationsA/CArmedIndiv. A/CIndiv. A/C CN-235Indiv. HELOTotal A/CInfringements of Air Trafic Regulations (ICAO)Violations of National Air SpaceEngagements With HAF Interception FigthersOverflights of National TerritoryArea
1928/02/2019386---8322-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1827/02/2019262-4-107385-Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1726/02/20196126-1-13812-Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1625/02/2019372-1-8411--Northeastern and Central Aegean Sea
1522/02/2019362---6351-Northeastern and Central Aegean Sea
1421/02/201912--2-4324--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1320/02/2019482-2-10681 -Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
1219/02/2019392---9372-Northeastern Aegean Sea
1118/02/2019364---64352-Northeastern and Central Aegean Sea
1015/02/2019244-4-8639--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
914/02/2019----2355---Southeastern Aegean Sea
813/02/2019----1456---Southeastern Aegean Sea
712/02/2019----2-22--- Southeastern Aegean Sea
611/02/2019382-321385--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
509/02/2019-----222---Southeastern Aegean Sea
408/02/2019362-1-7431-Northeastern and Southeastern Aegean Sea
307/02/2019----1-11---Southeastern Aegean Sea
204/02/2019----2-2233--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea
101/02/2019242-1-5434--Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Aegean Sea


  • Violating aircraft(s) are identified and intercepted, according to the relevant international rules and procedures.
  • Each time violations and infringements are committed, the relevant detailed reports are officially forwarded to the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


  • ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization
  • HAF = Hellenic Air Force
  • A/C = Aircraft
  • HELO = Helicopter