S/NDateFormationsA/CArmedA/C CN-235Ε/ΠTotal A/CInfringements of Air Trafic Regulations (ICAO)Violations of National Air SpaceEngagements With HAF Interception FigthersOverflights of National TerritoryArea
1830/09/201528434151125--Northeastern, Central & Southeastern Aegean Sea
1729/09/2015---11254--Northeastern & Southeastern Aegean Sea
1621/09/2015---1-11---Southeastern Aegean Sea
1520/09/2015---1-11---Southeastern Aegean Sea
1418/09/2015---1-122--Southeastern Aegean Sea
1317/09/201512--1333--Northern & Southeastern Aegean Sea
1216/09/2015---22465--Southeastern Aegean Sea
1115/09/20152822111718-1Northeastern, Central & Southeastern Aegean Sea
1014/09/201512-1581118--Central & Southeastern Aegean Sea
913/09/201512---222--Central Aegean Sea
811/9/201512-1-346--Central & Southeastern Aegean Sea
710/9/2015122114313--Central & Southeastern Aegean Sea
69/9/20151421-5251-Northeastern, Central & Southeastern Aegean Sea
58/9/2015162--6131-Northeastern Aegean Sea
47/9/2015---3-33---Central & Southeastern Aegean Sea
33/9/20151623-9425--Northeastern, Central & Southeastern Aegean Sea
202/0920151621-7263-Northeastern, Central & Southeastern Aegean Sea
11/9/2015---2-22---Central & Southeastern Aegean Sea


  • Violating aircraft(s) are identified and intercepted, according to the relevant international rules and procedures.
  • Each time violations and infringements are committed, the relevant detailed reports are officially forwarded to the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


  • ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization
  • HAF = Hellenic Air Force
  • A/C = Aircraft
  • HELO = Helicopter