HNDGS, in cooperation with ELIAMEP (the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy) conduct a strategic analysis seminar, focused on the greater region of particular hellenic interest: Balkans, Eastern Mediterranean, Caucasus and Middle East. The seminar, which takes place from 1 to 3 December 2008 at the HNDGS premises, is attended by guests as well as experts in geopolitical and geostrategic issues, such as University Professors, Diplomats and Military Officers etc.

The conference start up was declared by the Deputy Minister of National Defence Mr. Constantinos Tassoulas and the HNDGS Chief, General Dimitrios Grapsas, who extended an introductory speech.

The Deputy Minister underlined the significance and the meaning of the subject seminar in a critical geopolitical environment for the Hellenic national interests and praised the HNDGS for its organization.

The Chief of HNDGS, on his behalf, underlined the need for 21st century’s instability comprehension and spotted the forms of new emerging threats, which is something for more complicated than it used to be in the 20th century.

                                        LTC Dimitrios Bonoras
                                          HNDGS Spokesman