It is announced that the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, through the Armed Forces Supreme Athletic Board, will actively participate in the International Marathon Race from 6 to 9 November 2008, in the context of the social contribution of the Armed Forces. The Race is organized by the Hellenic Amateur Athletic Association and the Organizational Committee of the Athens Classic Marathon.

 On November 9th 2008, 200 male and female athletes from the Armed Forces, the Security Forces and the Military Academies and NCOs Schools will participate in the race.

The Hellenic National Defence General Staff provides assistance, allocating 45 buses of the Armed Forces to transport the athletes and the four Military Philharmonic Orchestras of the General Staffs of the Armed Forces. During the Race, there will be a festive atmosphere, as well as during the various events that will take place at the Tomb of Marathon, Attica, on 8 November 2008.

More information on the program of the Race: html/ent/124/ent.1124.2.asp.


                                       LTC Dimitrios Bonoras
                                        HNDGS Spokesman