Exercise “EVROPI 08” is a combined Hellenic/Italian Command Post Exercise (CPX) which is due to take place between 17 – 28 November 2008 in the framework of the European Union (EU) crisis management activities.

The main goal of CPX “EVROPI 08” is to achieve a high level of interoperability and interaction between the EL EU OHQ and the IT EU FHQ, in a potential EU-led Crisis Management Operation, without recourse to NATO assets and capabilities.

The Exercise, unique of its kind, represents the first opportunity for the two countries to work together in the context of military planning at both strategic and operational levels, in a European – led operation. The Hellenic Operation Headquarters (EL EU OHQ) is located in Larissa (Hellas) and the Italian Force Headquarters (IT EU FHQ) is fully deployed and completely self-sustained to a training area in Capo Teulada (Italy).

The scenario of the exercise describes a crisis situation on a fictitious country, where, after the United Nations request, the EU is leading an autonomous Crisis Management Operation appointing the EL EU OHQ and the IT EU FHQ.

The aforementioned HQs will operate under UN mandate in order to:

– Contribute to the stabilization and reconstruction.
– Ensure the respect of the: cease-fire agreement (if necessary by
– Allow the humanitarian aid to be distributed and contribute to the safe return of Displaced Persons and Refugees (DPREs) to their homes.

Exercise “EVROPI 08” will in turn serve as a test bench for future planning and the development of the EU OHQ/FHQ concept, which intents to represent the build up of military assets ready for EU – level operations.

For further details, please address to:

EL EU OHQ/Public Information Office/Officer:
LtC Ermolaos Papastefanis:
Tel:   +30 2410 994760.
Cell phone:  +30 6937771532.
Fax:   +30 2410 994122.
E-mail:  el.ohq@otenet.gr

IT EU FHQ/Public Information Office/Officer:
LtC Stefano Schiappacasse
Tel:   +39 0109999246
Cell phone:  +39 3351705447
E-mail:  Stefano@schiappacasse.it

                                  LTC Dimitrios Bonoras 
                                   HNDGS Spokesman