It is announced that, the Oath taking and Service Sword Award Ceremony to the graduates of the 58th Study Course of the Nursing Officers Academy will take place on the premises of the Institution (SAKETTA A’ Camp –Vironas) on Thursday, 17 July 2008 at 10.00 am. The Service Swords will be awarded to graduates by His Excellency, the President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Κarolos Papoulias.
Representatives from political, state, religious and military leaderships, have been invited to grace the ceremony with their presence.
The graduates of the current academic year are 35 officers- 13 Men and 22 Women, and will be allocated to the three (3) Services of the Armed Forces, as follows: 20 officers to the Army, 5 officers to the Navy and 10 officers to the Air Force.
LTC Char. Laloussis
HNDGS Spokesman