It is announced that, Greece will host, the International Conference “Athens SEESIM ‘08 International Conference: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN ) Defence and Response to Terrorism”  from 20 to 22 May, at the «Athens Imperial Hotel»

Participating nations at the conference will be, from the SEDM (South Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial), Greece (as host nation), Albania, FYROM, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Turkey and USA. 

Additionally, SEDM-CC (South Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial Coordination Committee) and PMSC (Politico-Military Steering Committee)Secretariat, will participate with representatives from the Ministries of Interior, Defence, Government Organizations  as well as Research and Academic Institutions.

The Conference is conducted under the auspices of the Hellenic Chemical Union of the General Secretariat of Civil Protection and the National Centre of Health Operations of the Ministry of Health. 

The minutes of the conference are to be published in a special edition of the scientific magazine “Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology”. 

The conference is conducted in the framework of the preparation for the National Exercise SEESIM ’08 (South Eastern Europe Simulation), which is to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria from 20 to 31 October 2008, in which Greece will participate, and is part of scheduled training seminars that will assist in the International cooperation among the participating nations and in the encounter of natural disasters and terrorist actions.  
                                          LTC Char. Laloussis 
                                          HNDGS Spokesman