It is announced that the C’ Army Corps /NDC-GR, in the framework of the yearly training cycle as a developing HQ, will conduct the exercise « GORDIAN KNOT ‘08» from 17 May to 4 June 2008, on the Island of Crete.

During the exercise the Headquarter will deploy from its permanent location in Thessaloniki to the Island of Crete, using for the first time in its history simultaneously land, navy and aviation for its deployment means. Thus in this way it will be able to demonstrate its capability to conduct operations, where and when needed.

The aim of the exercise is the training of HQ personnel in deployment procedures in prominent operational regions, and its perseverance and survival in a  contemporary  operational environment .Additionally, procedures to operate and interface advanced technological multiple communication means and all  staff planning procedures for control and conduct of Peace Support Ops will be tested.
At the same time the HQ’s Combat Readiness will also be evaluated by a Multinational Evaluating Committee of the Land Component Commander (LCC-Madrid) under the supervision of the Supreme HQ Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE-Belgium).

All C’ Army Corps /NDC-GR personnel, will participate with its organic Units from Greece and Europe and students from the Supreme Joint War College. In total 970 Officers and soldiers, from 19 countries will take part in the exercise.

On Thursday 3rd of June 2008 the leadership of the Hellenic Armed Forces, other representatives from HQS within the NATO Commanding Structure and MoD representatives  from countries participating with personnel at the HQ, will visit the Command Station, to observe function of the NDC-GR during  the conduct of Peace Support Operations 

                                LTC Char. Laloussis 
                               HNDGS Spokesman