On 17 April 2008, a meeting was held at the Joint War College on ‘Establishing a new Dynamic.The new Geopolitical Evolution in the Field of Energy and the role of Russia-Centr.Asia-Africa’,with the contribution of the Institute of Defence Analysis , Professors at the Universities of Athens, of Macedonia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The purpose of the said meeting was to inform the students of the Joint War College, exchange views and proposals regarding Geopolitics and Geoeconomy of Caucasus, consider the Turkish Energy Policy and draw useful conclusions.
Issues were presented as follows:
a. K.Schinas, expert- A’counsellor of MOFA: ‘ Geopolitics and Geoeconomy in Caucasus’.
b. M.Karayannis, Lecturer in International Relations, University of Macedonia : ‘Turkish Energy Policy’
c. D. Kokkinos, EEG Business Services Chairman : ‘Natural Gas and Energy Cooperation between Greece and Turkey- The New Routes of Oil’.
d. Ast. Houliaras,Professor at Harokopio University of Athens, ‘The Strategic Importance of Africa below the Sahara, Oil, Terrorism and China’.