It is announced that the Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, Admiral Panagiotis Chinofotis HN will attend the EU Military Committee, in CHODs Session, to be held on 6th November 2006 in Brussels.

     The issues to be discussed, in general, in the session will include the current situation and lessons learned from the ongoing EU-led operations in KONGO, DARFOUR and the BALKANS. Views will be exchanged on the activities of the European Defense Agency-EDA, and the European Security and Defense Policy-ESDP. A proposal on the common use of the EU member-states training facilities will also be discussed.

     Finally, discussions will also include the “Headline Goal 2010” implementation process, and the final determination of the 2006 New Force Catalogue (to be approved during the coming Ministerial Session in November 2006), as well as the Full Operational Capability of  the EU Battle Groups as of 1 January 2007.

     Concluding discussions, the change of the EU MC Chairmanship ceremony will take place, where French General Henri Bentegeat will take over from the outgoing Italian General Mosca Moschini.       

                                    Captain Emmanuel Velonias HN 
                                             HNDGS Spokesman