It is announced that the «ATHENS CD&E CONFERENCE 2006» on “Concept Development and Experimentation” will take place at «ΜΕΤΡΟPOLIΤΑΝ» hotel, at Faliron, Athens, from 30 October to 2 November 2006, with the subject «Τhe Past, Present and Future Contributions of Concept Development and Experimentation».
The Conference is co-organized by NATO (Allied Command Transformation), the US Joint Forces Command and the Hellenic National Defence General Staff. Experts from the Armed Forces of allied and other countries, as well as representatives from the defence industry will attend. The number of the participants amounts to 350, and the participating states are more than 30.
Presentations and discussions during the Conference will focus on issues concerning the Transformation of the Forces of the Alliance, the draw, elaboration and implementation of new concepts, and the exploitation of technology in said issues.
Emmanuel Velonias
Captain, HN
HNDGS Spokesman