The Hellenic Armed Forces, satisfying all requests submitted by the responsible authorities, allocated the following land forces, aerial means and material to the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, for the fighting of fires burning across Attica district:

Total number of Personnel of the Armed Forces :  2.718 ( supporting the fire extinction – patrols and surveillance). More specifically:


Allocated Personnel to support the fighting of wildfires: 1.832
.   837 soldiers at Varnava, Agios Stefanos, Pendeli, Grammatiko, Kaletzi, Stamata and 100 men at Kytheronas
.  Sailors to Kotroni – Kato Souli, Pallini, Marathonas
.  Airmen to Melissia, Pallini, Byronas, Ekali, Keratea and Zakynthos

Allocated Personnel to make Surveillance Patrols: 886

.   392 Soldiers
.     42 Sailors
.   452 Airmen

Areas where Surveillance Patrols took place: Varibobi, Erithrea, Avlona, Oropos, Tanagra, Parnitha, Imitos, Vathi Avlidas, Alepohori, Kato Penteli, Porto Germeno.


Allocated Means

.   27  firefighting aircraft (Saturday: 20 a/c, Sunady: 20 a/c, Monday: 22 a/c, Tuesday: 27 a/c)
.   4  C-130 a/c to transport wildfires fighting personnel (70 personnel) and 6 vehicles from Cyprus 
.   1  C-130 a/c to transport woodcutters from Thessaloniki
.   20  Fire fighting vehicles
.   11  Water carriers. 
.    9  Ambulances with doctors and nursing personnel at Varnavas, Marathonas and Grammatiko.
.   9  Earth moving equipments (2  at Kitheronas)
.  81  motorized patrols 


.    641 sorties of Canadair a/c (CL- 215 and 415)
.    433 sorties of small a/c
.  1994 flight hours of fire fighting a/c over Attica, Viotia, Zakynthos, Kitheronas, South Evia and Achaia
.    441 hours of surveillance
.  Canadair during the sorties made 12900 water-bomb drops, equal to 77200 tons of water


The following facilities and means were in full readiness:
.   The three military hospitals in Athens (363 beds, 16 ambulances and 253 medical- nursing personnel)
.   The 31st Search and Rescue Operations Squadron of the Air Force
.   The Disaster Management Mobile Team of the Air Force
.    1  C-130 a/c
.  12 helicopters of the Army and the Air Force for evacuation operations
.    2  Hellenic Navy vessels in the context of the implementation of the Evacuation Plan
.    1  water carrier of the Navy

It is underlined that the Hellenic Armed Forces were in readiness to allocate additional personnel and means to assist in the fire fighting, when called upon.