The final phase of the FTX « SARISA» was conducted on 14 May 2009 and was attended by the Minister of Macedonia and Thrace Mr. Stavros Kalafatis, Deputy Minister of National Defence Mr. Constantine Tasoulas , accompanied by the Chief HNDGS General Dimitrios Grapsas , Chief / HNGS Vice Admiral George Karamalikes ,Chief/HAFGS Liet. General Ioannis Giagkos the Hellenic Army Inspector General, Commanders of the Army Corps , Military delegations and local authorities.

The « SARISA » exercise is a National, Joint, Large Scale FTX at Formation Level of full force deployment, planed by the Hellenic Army General Staff, conducted on an annual bases and directed by the B’ Army Corps with intent the training of Commands – General Staffs and Units in Joint Operations and interoperability . For the conduct of the specific exercise 4.019 men, 942 tanks – tracked vehicles and auxiliary vehicles, 46 helicopters (implementing 422 flight hours) and 29 aircraft of the Hellenic Air Force (conducting 109 sorties)

It is worth noting, that for the first time special operations conducted on a 24/24 basis in friend and foe roles were conducted with absolute success, relaying real battle field information back to the Field Marshals General Staff.

   During the exercise the following were ascertained:

   • The successful operation of the Command and Control System, resulting in achieving totally, planning, joint ness and cooperation among Units of the Army, with those of the Air Force and the Navy, in a joint operational environment which was fashioned for the needs of the exercise. Additionally the testing of all types of communications of the Army Corps in an electronic warfare environment, with results being quite satisfactory.

   • The successful achievement of movement and measures coordination of advancing forces using different means of fire power and support, conforming the high degree of cooperation among the Infantry, Armour and Artillery.

   • Trial and successful evaluation of contemporary weapon systems tactical incorporation (modern armour, AH Apache, A/T weapons with Hellenic Air Force aircraft as support), laser targeting and data transmitting systems were widely used by the ground forces in conjunction with the Attack Helicopters and Air Force aircraft .

   • Proof of the manoeuvrability and resilience that has been obtained by our Armed Forces as well there Joint ness Cooperation, acting as an intensifier to combat potency.

   • The excellent cooperation of the Reserve Officers and soldiers with there serving colleges was once more reconfirmed.