It is announced that a geopolitical seminar took place at the Joint War College in Thessaloniki, on 17 December 2008, under the title “Geo political and Security Issues in South-Easter Mediterranean. Perspectives for a solution of the Cyprus Issue”, with the cooperation of professors from the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and the University of Macedonia.

During the seminar, which has been opened and addressed by the Commander of the College Lieutenant General (HAP) Constantinos Vlahavas, various subjects were presented and opinions were exchanged on issues regarding the broader area of South-Eastern Mediterranean concluding to useful outcomes.

Speakers presented the following subjects:
  – Maj. Gen (ret) Ioannis Parisis: “Geo-political and Security Issues in SE Mediterranean”.
  – Spyridon Litsas, lecturer at the University of Macedonia: “SE Mediterranean and the Cyprus Issue. Factors that led to the bogging of negotiations”
  – Ioannis Stefanidis, alternative professor at the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki: “Approaches to the solution of the Cyprus issue”
  – Georgios Voskopoylos, assistant professor of the University of Macedonia: “The Cyprus Issue as a presupposition for the restoration of the Greek-Turkish relations”

The seminar was successfully completed and functioned in a constructive manner and gave the participants the opportunity to exchange opinions regarding the geopolitical importance of the SE Mediterranean area.


                                                            LTC Dimitrios Bonoras 
                                                              HNDGS Spokesman