At the 10th of October 2008, the review of “NOBLE MIDAS ‘08” was held at the amphitheater of NMIOTC and was attended by NATO’s naval forces commander (MARCOM NAPLES), Lt. Admiral M. GEMIGNANI and his staff.
Naval fleet commander, vice Admiral George Dimitriadis (Navy Forces) welcomed the NATO commander at NMIOTC. Additionally, MARCOM was briefed about the centre’s capabilities in the support of operation “ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR”.
The “NOBLE MIDAS ‘08” exercise, which was held in central Mediterranean Sea (area between Ionian sea, Sicily, Tunisia) from 26th of September to 10th of October 2008, was under NATO RESPONSE FORCE (NRF-12). The objective was naval forces’ training in an environment of asymmetrical and multiple threats.
The exercise was attended by surface ships, submarines, maritime cooperation aircrafts and Special Forces units from Greece, Netherlands, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Norway, Romania, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA, Belgium, Estonia, and Poland. Moreover observers from Albania, Croatia and Ukraine took part in the exercise.