It is announced that the EU/MC Chairman, General Henri Bentegeat, will pay a four-day official visit to Greece, from 16-19 April 2008, as a guest invited by the Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, General Dimitrios Grapsas.

     General Bentegeat, following the full honours ceremony at the Hellenic MoD (“Papagos” camp), will have cooperation with the Chief /HNDGS on issues of mutual military interest and defence policy, in the context of EU. Later on, he will have a courtesy call with the Greek MoD, Mr Evanghelos Meimarakis.

     During his stay in Greece, General Bentegeat, will visit the EU OHQ in Larissa, where he will be briefed on its structure and function.

                                   LTC Char. Laloussis
                                   HNDGS Spokesman