It is announced that, the Council of the Chiefs of General Staffs, during the session of the 5th of March 2007:
1. Hellenic Navy
a. “Selectively” promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral the following to fill vacant posts:
(1) Commodore Antonios Karadimitris
(2) Commodore Ioannis Chronopoulos
(3) Commodore Kiriakos Kiriakidis
(4) Commodore Evangelos Mitrou
(5) Commodore Elias Nastos
b. Decided to maintain at the same rank:
Commodore Panagiotis Raditsas
c. Decided to retire the following as ”having successfully terminated their career”:
(1) Commodore Petros Panou
(2) Commodore Stefanos Limberis
2. Hellenic Air Force
a. “Selectively” promoted to the rank of Major General the following to fill vacant posts:
(1) Brigadier General (HAF) Dimitrios Vaboulas
(2) Brigadier General (HAF) Dimitrios Mandilis
(3) Brigadier General (HAF) Nikolaos Goutzouris
(4) Brigadier General (HAF) Kosmas Vouris
(5) Brigadier General (HAF) Georgios Sklikas
(6) Brigadier General (HAF) Vassilios Klokozas
(7) Brigadier General (HAF) Konstantinos Kalamatas
(8) Brigadier General (HAF) Ioannis Patsandaras
(9) Brigadier General (HAF) Konstantinos Ioannidis
(10) Brigadier General (HAF) Konstantinos Kounelis
b. Decided to maintain at the same rank the following:
(1) Brigadier General (HAF) Harilaos Giokas
(2) Brigadier General (HAF) Vassilios Balkouras
(3) Brigadier General (HAF) Zaharias Samaras
(4) Brigadier General (HAF) Evangelos Liakos
(5) Brigadier General (HAF) Dimitrios Savopoulos
(6) Brigadier General (HAF) Emmanouil Tournas
(7) Brigadier General ((HAF) Stilianos Alexopoulos
(8) Brigadier General (HAF) Georgios Tsakonas
c. Decided to retire the following as ”having successfully terminated their career”:
(1) Brigadier General (HAF) Spiridon Tsogas
(2) Brigadier General (HAF) Ioannis Ioannou
(3) Brigadier General (HAF) Konstantinos Kalioras
(4) Brigadier General (HAF) Konstantinos Mythis
(5) Brigadier General (HAF) Ioannis Kalantzis
(6) Brigadier General (HAF) Athanasios Thanos
(7) Brigadier General (HAF) Athanasios Kotoulas
(8) Brigadier General ((HAF) Spiridon Kavouris
(9) Brigadier General (HAF) Emmanouil Pattakos
Emmanuel Velonias
Captain, HN
HNDGS Spokesman