The Hellenic National Defence General Staff announces that the Biannual NATO MC/CS Meeting as well as the Meetings of NATO with the EAPC countries, Ukraine, Russia and the countries of the Mediterranean Dialogue will take place from 8-10 May 2006. On 11 May 2006, the EU member-states’ CHODS will also meet. The Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, Admiral Panagiotis Chinofotis ΗΝ, will attend the said meetings.              

     More specifically, in the context of the 154th Meeting of NATO Military Committee in Chiefs of Staff Session, issues regarding  ISAF and KFOR operations, achievement and maintenance of NRF operational capability, measures to be taken to improve NATO capability concerning the conduct of military operations as well as the Military Guidance for further development of NATO capabilities will be discussed.                                                             

     The agenda of the 18th Meeting of NATO Military Committee in Chiefs of Staff Session with their counterparts of EAPC will include issues regarding the update and evaluation of those countries’ forces operational capability, for possible participation in future NATO operations and activities.

     During NATO-Ukraine Council meeting (NUK), the progress made in the Ukrainian Armed Forces transformation will be discussed, while basic issues and the future developments in NATO-RUSSIA partnership will be discussed during NRC Meeting.

     The agenda of the 4th Meeting of the MC with the Mediterranean Dialogue Countries in Chiefs of Staff Session will include issues on NATO operational missions, the progress made in the last six months in combating terrorism, information exchange and the effort made to achieve interoperability. Moreover, furthering of cooperation by means of active participation of MD Countries in military exercises and activities so as to improve capability of participating in NATO-led operations will be discussed. In this context, Greece organised ‘’DOLPHIN O5’’ exercise in 2005, where six MD countries participated. The same exercise will be conducted within 2006, as well.

     During the EU Meeting in Chiefs of Staff Session, there will be briefings by the Chairman of the EUMC, the Austrian Chairmanship, the incoming Finnish Chairmanship and the Head of the MC, on issues concerning the Maritime Dimension of the EU operational capabilities, the contribution to operations and missions in Sudan/Darfur and the People’s Republic of Congo, the ‘’ALTHEA’’ Operation as well as the operation management in the framework of the European Defence and Security Policy. Additionally, the new Chairman of the EUMC will be elected. To note that the French Chief of Staff is the only one standing for the EUMC Chairmanship.

     In the fringe of the above Meetings, the Chief/HNDGS will meet SACEUR and counterparts of NATO and the EU member-countries.            


                                     Lt. Col. Kalpogiannakis Gerasimos
                                               HNDGS   Spokesman