On Thursday 23 May 2019, the Distinguished Visitors Day (DVDay) of Joint Combined Exercise Training (JCET) “IRON FIST – 19” took place in Plovdiv. This activity was carried out within the framework of the bilateral military cooperation program between Greece and Bulgaria, with the participation of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff/ Joint Special Operation Command (HNDGS/JSOC) and the 68th Bulgarian Commando Brigade.

  The Greek Chief of Defence (CHOD), General Christos Christodoulou (Hellenic Air Force, HAF) and the CHOD of the Bulgarian Armed Forces, General Andrey Botsev, attended the DVDay. The Greek CHOD was accompanied by the HNDGS/JSOC Commander, Major General Georgios Tsitsikostas.

  The DVDay programme included Close Quarter Battle (CQB) in urban terrain, sniper shots, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC), demolitions, insertion – extraction (by rotary wing aircraft – vehicles) as well as abseiling with the use of Fast Rope.