The participating authors should submit their research work (abstracts, papers and/or posters) via e-mail at with the indication “Abstract/paper/poster of …name”, no later than 5 June 2014. Any research work submitted after this date will not be accepted but authors are strongly encouraged to submit them as soon as possible. They are also kindly requested to submit a brief CV and a face photo of high resolution (at least 300 DPI JPG).


The final form will be decided by the Programme Committee in accordance with the specificities of the programme. The authors will be notified for the acceptance or not, via e-mail, no later than 10 June 2014.


The authors are kindly requested to follow the instructions below:


1. Abstracts/papers/posters (soft copies) should be written in English using "Times New Roman" font of 12 cpi and a single space.


2. The title should be written in capital bold letters followed by:


a. The full name of the author(s) (first the surname followed by the first name in small bold letters).


b. The scientific institution/authority of origin or Organisation of each author (i.e. Military units, Universities, or other entities), written in small letters – italics, the city and country, as well.


3. Single space should be used between the title of the presentation, authors, institution and the main text.


4. The abstract should be between 150 and 300 words and the paper between 1500 and 2000 words


5. The following structure should be followed: Introduction - Methods - Results - Conclusions - References


6. Pictures, photos or tables, should not be included, but it's possible to be sent within a separate file


7. Each participant has the right to submit up to two research papers.